Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Right Around the Corner!

I am SO excited.  Why?  Because Close To My Heart is launching our NEW Idea Book for Spring/Summer 2014 in just a FEW SHORT DAYS!

With literally HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of NEW ITEMS, as well as fabulous ideas for your next creative endeavor, you're sure to find something to spark your interest inside!
Pre-order your Idea Book today by leaving a comment below. 
 I will get back to you personally to arrange for shipping and payment details.
Simply place an order on my Close To My Heart Website,
and I'll make sure to get your FREE IDEA BOOK off to you right away!

Rediscover Ways to Keep Your Memories Fresh and On-Trend

Journaling your memories, also known as writing them down, doesn't have to be a task you dread!  With the help of Close To My Heart's Journaling Cards, FREE to DOWNLOAD for the month of January, you'll enjoy it instead!

Visit my Close To My Heart Online Shop to find more ways to capture and keep the memories you hold most dear.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Start the New Year on Cloud 9 with the Help of Close To My Heart!

JANUARY is National Papercrafting Month... Celebrate it With Us... Won't You?  See How Below...